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  • Writer's pictureLondon Catholic Worker

Martin Newell sent out the following report of the day's events:

It went very well at the MoD today. About 100 people for the liturgy, younger age profile than I've seen before, a good spread across the ages from young 20's up. Scott Albrecht marked the Old War Office, was arrested, taken to Charing Cross police station and bailed to return in May - I think it was the 14th. They will decide whether to charge Scott under Section 128 of SOCPA, concerning military establishments, and for criminal damage. For the Socpa charge they have to ask the Attorney General.Ray Towey marked the pillars and the main entrance to the MoD in the morning, I made a mark at the back at the end of the liturgy. Neither myself nor Ray was arrested.

The photo was taken by Father Joe Ryan. A longer report is here on the Pax Christi website.

  • Writer's pictureLondon Catholic Worker

Protests outside Lincoln magistrates court during the trial

On October 7th, three Catholic Workers were among the "Waddington 6" who were ontrial at Lincolnshire Magistrates Court. They were charged with criminal damage, forcutting the fence at RAF Waddington in June this year before exploring the base tolook for the drone control units. RAF Waddington is where UK armed drones arecontrolled from as they fly over and attach targets in Afghanistan.

The Judge found them guilty, "with a heavy heart" and encouraged them to appeal. Formore info see or Al Barrett's blog.

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