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  • Writer's pictureLondon Catholic Worker

Anarcho refugee football resuming is resuming at a new venue: Chestnut Park, Harringey. Kick-off is every Saturday at 10am. This is a resumption of the weekly game that ran in Finsbury Park for over 12 months.

Location: Chestnut Park, Harringey is at the corner of St Annes Road and Black Boy Lane. The N15341 and 67 buses both stop next to Chestnut Park.

JOIN IN, PLAY NICE!"Everything I know of ethics, I learnt from football"- Algerian goalkeeper and French existentiaist. Albert Camus

More info, ......... or if the weather is shite and you want to confirm it's still on. Ph./text Ciaron Sat. 9 a.m. Ph. 079 27 259 363

  • Writer's pictureLondon Catholic Worker

The prosecution are pursuing charges that carry the death penalty or life imprisonment without parole. In his own words he explained at the last hearing what he did and why he did it. Why he felt in necessary to expose U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Bradley's on trial for us, We're on the streets for him!

Vigil for Bradley Manning today at 1700hrs, US EMBASSY, GROSVENOR SQUARE, LONDON. Join us at the US Embassy whilst we play audio (30mins) of Bradley Manning's courtroom statement .The vigil will be followed by reflections and information sharing. Placards will be brought but please feel free to make or bring your own. BOND STREET tube. INFO: BEN 07866 559 312

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  • Writer's pictureLondon Catholic Worker

We have a bunch of events to which all are welcome:

  1. Palm Sunday - March 24th - Faith and Resistance Reflection Day Email us, or telephone 020 8 348 8212, if you are interested in coming. Susan Clarkson (Oxford CW) will speak about her recent trip to Afghanistan and Ciaron O'Reilly will lead reflections on Palm Sunday scriptures, resistance to empire and solidarity.

  2. Stations of the Cross of Non-Violent Love around the 'Geography of Suffering' in central London. Thursday March 28th (Holy Thursday) Starting 12noon opposite Downing Street , will finish between 4pm and 5pm. Our prayer and witness will be based around using the stations of the cross written by Emanuel Charles McCarthy, and reflections on our context and location. For more information, read this.

  3. Easter Monday, April 1st: Some of us will be going to Aldermaston for a CND and Action AWE protest: We will be at Tadley Gate, which is the 'Faith Gate', from 12noon - 2pm. There are coaches going from London and elsewhere. For more info, read this.

  4. on April 27th, 'Ground the Drones' protest: some of us will be going to this Stop the War organised event at RAF Waddington near Lincoln, where British drones are being controlled from. There are coaches going from London. For more info go here.

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