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  • Writer's pictureLondon Catholic Worker

Lots has been going on lately but the webmaster has been on sabattical so it's time for a round-up.

Bradley Manning's 1,000th. day in U.S. military custody was marked in solidarity actions in 70 cities around the world on Saturday Feb 23rd. On that morning activists moved around central London from Trafalgar Square to Buckingham Palace staging Bradley Manning solidarity vigils and distributing flyers.

Vigils of solidarity with Assange have been ongoing at the Ecuadorean embassy. You can see recent pictures of six months of solidarity.

The video below chronicles the return of Deirdre Clancy and Ciaron O'Reilly of the Pitstop Ploughshares community to Shannon Airport on Sunday 3rd February, on the 10th. anniversary of the action that disabled a U.S. Navy warplane en route to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. This small airport in "neutral" Ireland became a major hub for the U.S. invasion, occupation and looting of Iraq. Most U.S. troops who deployed to the invasion and occupation of Iraq passed through Shannon Airport where their troop carriers were refeueled On Feb. 3rd 2003, the Pitstop Plougshares were charged with $2.5 million "criminal damage" followng their nonvolent disabling of a U.S. Navy warplane. Initially remanded in Limerick Prison they were brought to trial three Itmes over the following three years at Dublin's historic Four Courts. In 2006 following two mistrials, the Ploughshares - Deirdre Clancy, Nuin Dunlop, Karen Fallon, Damien Moran and Caron O'Reilly - were unanimously acquitted of all charges by a Dublin jury. Accordng to WikiLeaks released Dubln U.S. embassy cables, the action and acquittal sent shock waves through the U.S. and Irish government war conspirators.

On 7th February, the Oxford Union held the debate This House Would Not Fight for Queen and Country. Amongst those speaking for the motion were Ben Griffin, former SAS soldier, member of Veterans for Peace, and friend of the LCW. A transcript of his inspiring speech can be found here. Despite Ben's stirring words the motion was defeated on the night.

  • Writer's pictureLondon Catholic Worker

On Bradley Manning's 964th day of imprisonment without trial anti-war activists, including veterans of the wars in Afghanistan & Iraq, held a solidarity vigil outside the U.S. embassy in London. Meanwhile at Ft. Meade Maryland/ USA Bradley's defense was arguing for a dismissal of charges on the bases of a lack of a "speedy trial".

At the London vigil silence was observed for Aaron Swartz, as folks reflected on the powers and pressures arraigned by empire against people they label as an obstacle to power.

Photo above courtesy of London Friends of WikiLeaks]

Bradley's in jail for us, we're on the loose for him

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