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  • Writer's pictureLondon Catholic Worker

Twenty-five supporters joined Ray Towey, Henrietta Cullinan and Katrina Alton for a time of prayer outside Hammersmith Magistrates' Court today before a three-hour hearing which found them guilty of causing criminal damage.

The three offered clear and moving accounts of their peace actions at the Ministry of Defence during Holy Week 2012 when they marked the building with blessed charcoal using words such as Trident Crucifies the Poor and Disarm Trident. Reports from arresting officers were read out in court which affirmed that there actions had been totally nonviolent and that they had not resisted arrest in any way. While not disputing the fact of their action, they all argued that they had lawful excuse and moral convictions for what they did.

Ray, Henrietta and Katrina explained the relevance of the time and symbols used: Lent, a time for reflection and repentance at both personal and community levels and charcoal, a known symbol of that repentance that is used within the Christian faith community. The protection of life and people was at the heart of their actions and they all stated that these were more important than property or buildings. Their intention in marking the Ministry of Defence building was to engage the Ministry and those who work there in critical reflection on the UK's nuclear defence policy and the Trident programme in particular in order to change it and prevent nuclear weapons from ever being used. Judge Susan Williams acknowledged her understanding of this in her questioning of Ray Towey, and again in her summing up saying that these were profound means used to highlight the folly of humankind.

The three, who defended themselves, were given substantial time to present their own evidence and outline why they did what they did. The Judge said that she needed a good amount of time to reflect on what she had heard and the legal implications and adjourned the hearing for almost two hours. Before adjournment, Ray Towey made a short intervention inviting the Judge to discharge them and to stand outside the normal boundaries of the legal institution and set a precedent. On her return she gave a fulsome summary - showing that she had listened with great care to all that she had heard - but ultimately finding them guilty of criminal damage. They were each charged with paying £200 court costs. While the Ministry of Defence had put forward a claim for £400 cleaning costs the Judge refused to enforce this. The three were given an absolute discharge. All of them made it clear that they could not in conscience pay the court costs. Their action was supported by the London Catholic Worker, Catholic Peace Action and Pax Christi

  • Dr Ray Towey (68) missionary doctor who has spent most of the last 20 years in East Africa. Dr Towey has been involved with these actions for the past 30 years.

  • Henrietta Cullinan, (50) lives in Hackney, and is a member of the London Catholic Worker.

  • Katrina Alton (44) from west London.

In other news... Don't forget the visit of John Dear this coming Monday.

  • Writer's pictureLondon Catholic Worker

This week Bradley Manning is back before a military tribunal at Ft. Meade, Maryland USA facing 23 counts, one carrying the death penalty. Whenever Bradley is dragged before the courts, we hit the streets. In London we head to the U.S. embassy. WikiLeaks' Julian Assange remains in the Ecuadorian embassy in London surrounded by British police. Solidarity activists are presently maintaining a round the clock presence outside the embassy (next to Harrods. Knightsbridge tube...drop by!).

Bradley Manning and Julian Assange are surrounded accused of exposing U.S. war crimes in Iraq. A war millions of us marched against in 2003. These anti-war resisters should not be abandoned by an anti-war movement that incited them to nonviolently resist this illegal, immoral war. Meditate on the following collateal murder footage and reflect on how you can join with others to support Brad and Julian in this their hour of need and stop these U.S. wars on the poor

A report of a solidarity vigil held last Saturday can be found here. You may also be interested in the following video in which LCWer Ciaron O'Reilly reflects on two years of solidarity with Brad and Julian (sound improves after 30 seconds).

  • Writer's pictureLondon Catholic Worker

John Dear, Nobel peace prize nominee, is coming to speak at Guiseppe Conlon House at 7pm, Monday 10th September. John has been to prison for a couple of Ploughshares actions and has been arrested over 60 times for peace activism. He's a very good speaker, has written a lot of books and is also speaking at Greenbelt Christian festival this year. He's also a Jesuit priest. More information can be found in this leaflet.

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