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  • Writer's pictureLondon Catholic Worker

Catholic workers have been vigilling outside the extradition trial of Julian Assange. They spent the day dressed in Guantanamo outfits labelled Bradley Manning, Quantico; Saker Aamer, Guantanamo; Julian Assange ????????? and You Next, ???????????... and read out a litany of the dead. They read the names of Afghani and British people killed in the war, the true nature of which Julian Assange & WikiLeaks have exposed and Bradley Manning is accused of exposing. More info here.

Lover's Electric recently performed a song in support of Bradley Manning at our own Guiseppe Conlon House. Check it out:

Solidarity activists from Adelaide, Aotearoa/NZ, Brisbane, Chicago, London, and Melbourne returned to the Australian High Commission on the Strand on Friday night (Feb 4th) to demand that they lift their game and advocate for the civil rights of Australian dissident and founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange. The Australian government continues to service the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and co-operate in the persecution of anti-war dissidents. Assange faces an extradition hearing in London this Monday and Tuesday (Feb 7 & 8). He was initially denied bail after self -urrendering in Kentish Town police station in December. Opposition to bail came from the British government, in service to the Americans, rather than the Swedes who seek his extradition. Assange is presently electronically tagged and living under a curfew.

Photos and more pics here. London Catholic Workers, WikiLeaks London Support and others in opposition to the extradition of Julian Assange will be outside Woolwich Court/ Belmarsh Prison on Feb 7 and 8th between 9am and 5 pm.

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