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Cyber, anti-war and human rights activists will today descend on the Australian High Commission and on Monday on the Woolwich magistrates court, attached to the Category A Belmarsh Prison, to demand freedom for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, presently on restrictive bail and facing extradition, and also for Bradley Manning, the young soldier who is being held in solitary confinement in Quantico Marine Base in USA.

On Saturday 5 February, a public meeting will be held at Harringay's Giuseppe Conlon Hall, which also serves as a 'house of hospitality' for refugees and others in need of help and support. Speakers will include former political prisoner of the US, Ciaron O'Reilly, and a speaker from the support group 'UK Friends of Bradley Manning'. Footage from the 'Collateral Murder' video Manning is accused of leaking will be shown and there will also be live music.

On Monday, the activist groups will join others from WikiLeaks London Support group outside Woolwich magistrates courts attached to Belmarsh Prison where the extradition hearing of Julian Assange is due to be heard.

Here's the timeline:

  • Friday Feb. 4th: 4.30pm-6.30pm Vigil and Speak Out at the Australian Embassy on The Strand, central London.

  • Saturday Feb. 5th: 3pm Public Meeting at Giuseppe Conlon Hall 49 Mattison Rd, Harringey London N4.

  • Monday and Tuesday Feb. 7th. and 8th: 9am-5pm Vigil outside Julian Assange's extradition hearing at Woolwich Courts, Belmarsh Rd. London SE28.

For further information, please contact Ciaron O'Reilly by phone - 07939 290576 - or email: ciaronx AT

  • Writer's pictureLondon Catholic Worker

Our latest newsletter is now out. There are reports of recent acts of resistance, reflections written by members of the London Catholic Worker, and extensive coverage of the opening of our newest project Guiseppe Conlon House.

As well as the newsletter you may notice that we have also substantially redesigned our website. We've slimmed it down a bit, and hopefully it's easier to use. If you want to access content from the old site, it's all still available here. If you have any difficulties using the new site (or any positive feedback!) please let us know.

  • Writer's pictureLondon Catholic Worker

People are gathering tomorrow at Guiseppe Conlon House to commemmorate the 20th anniversary of the 1991 invasion of Iraq. After the gathering at GCH people will move to the US embassy to vigil exactly 20 years on from when the bombs started falling. More details on IndyMedia.

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