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Public meeting 7.30pm 24th April 2024 at London Catholic Worker, 49 Mattison Road, London, N4 1BG

War Massacres Innocents. Ceasefire Now!

Chris Cole and Virginia Moffat talking at London Catholic Worker about their 'blood on your hands' action at Downing Street. Along with Kirsten from CAAT (Campaign Against Arms Trade) and Mil Rai from Peace News.

Resisting UK complicity in Israel's War on Palestine

Public Meeting: 7.30pm, 24 AprilVenue: London Catholic Worker 49 Mattison Road, London N4 1BG

With Virginia Moffatt & Chris Cole, Kirsten Bayes and a speaker from the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians.

  • Writer's pictureLondon Catholic Worker

Read out at the April 2024 Prayer Vigil at the Home Office for Victims of Global Migration

The names and details of those people who have died trying to obtain sanctuary in Europe or the UK. We share them here so as to honour their lives and mourn the injustice of their deaths. Many are unknown, but as Pope Francis said, "Everyone has a name, a face and a story". Here we mark those who died in April 2023.

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.

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  • Writer's pictureLondon Catholic Worker

Read out at the March 2024 Prayer Vigil at the Home Office for Victims of Global Migration

The names and details of those people who have died trying to obtain sanctuary in Europe or the UK. We share them here so as to honour their lives and mourn the injustice of their deaths. Many are unknown, but as Pope Francis said, "Everyone has a name, a face and a story". Here we mark those who died in March 2023.

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.

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