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Ways to give



We would be very grateful for any help you can give us. We are all volunteers, so we are able to make the best possible use of what we are given, for the benefit of those who are in need. We try, as much as possible, to use food that would otherwise go to waste. We receive donations of bread, fruit and vegetables from local shops and markets. However, we also depend on donations for basic supplies such as cooking oil, sugar, spreads, coffee and tea. Suggested items are listed below. For some some information to help make ethical consumer choices, click here.​


FOOD: Dry goods, Tinned tomatoes, rice, couscous, peanut butter, cooking oil, tinned kidney beans, tinned chickpeas, lentils, instant coffee, tea bags, hot chocolate, sugar, noodles, soy sauce, spreads, breakfast cereals, long life juice and squash, chilli sauce, nuts and seeds, long life milk and soya milk​.


TOILETRIES: Toilet paper, soap, shower gel, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, and razors.


CLEANING: Eco-friendly products bicarbonate of soda, multi-purpose cleaners, toilet cleaner, laundry detergent.


MISCELLANEOUS: New men’s underwear and socks, candles/tea lights, and umbrellas.​


MONEY: We continue to rely on donations to pay our rent, bills and other costs.


To make a donation:


Send a cheque payable to "London Catholic Worker", to Giuseppe Conlon House, 49 Mattison Road, London N4 1BG.​


Bank transfer/standing order: London Catholic Worker, Triodos Bank, Account No: 20066996, Sort Code: 16 58 10. If you set up a regular payment, please email us to let us know. Thank you!


PayPal: For one-off donations you can also use the PayPal button below:​​​​





"Prayer - without this, all the rest is useless"



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